Monday 31 December 2012

Research: Music Magazine Covers


Kerrang! is a rock/heavy metal music magazine that is released every fortnight. It appeals to it's target audience as the colour scheme and font carries conventions of rock music such as vandalism, chaos and rebellion. Also, the masthead 'Kerrang!' follows the magazine's theme as it is use of onomatopoeia and was created to remind you of the strum of an electric guitar. Further more, a rebellious action is shown in the placing of the main feature. The singer is placed in the middle but the rule of thirds is broken, and also his head covers the masthead. There is also rules on this cover that have bee followed though, such as the left third and multiple cover lines. I also chose a cover from kerrang with a femal artist because i'm thinking of using a female, she too is looking down the camera. 

Hammer magazine, like Kerrang!, also dedicates itself to rock music, however it's genre is specified in the rock sub genre heavy metal. It's colour scheme is similar, bright and eye catching, and the masthead 'Hammer' is, like Kerrang!, use of phonology as the sound of a hammer reminds you of loud crashes. Which some may say rock music sounds like, and the word 'metal' holds connotations of sharpness. Furthermore there is also a singer, but he is centered in this magazine, covering some of the masthead.

NME is a magazine that covers a less specific range of music, they cover rock, indie and popular music. On this cover, the rule of thirds is being broken. There is a left third, full of coverlines and a puff/plug. The colour scheme is brighter and a little lighter to the eye, it is also quite contrasting, perhaps conveying the fact that the magazine talks about multiple musical genres.

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