Monday 1 April 2013

Evaluation Question 1: In What Ways Does Your Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products?

 Another way I challenged the typical form of real Rock media products was deciding to use a female artist in my double page spread and front cover. There are many famous female artists in this genre around today but they are certainly a minority. This isn't a form of prejudice it is just matter of fact, so using a female artist may be seen as challenging the stereotype because of it's infrequency. Furthermore, I liked the fact that having a female look confident and independent challenged gender stereotypes. My magazine is for both genders, and having a female on the cover of a Rock music magazine when females are seen mostly in fashion genres stands for gender equality in media.
     In addition, there is a total of 4 COLOURS used on my cover page, and 6 FONTS. It is a general convention of any magazine to keep these features to a minimum, here are some examples to illustrate:

One element of my double page spread that could be argued to be a development of classic conventions is the highlighted text, this was to signal the questions asked to the interview-ee. Having this feature of this text allows the reader to skim-read/skip to sections which interest them most. The slight development that I have made is adding in the extra space around this text to ensure that this separation element is translated, I also thought it looks more effective to have a tad extra white amongst the page. To show that this is not a challenge of a form/convention, here are examples of existing media that also use this feature:

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