Thursday 31 January 2013

Planning: Proposal

  I have chosen to create a music magazine about rock music with the core target audience of people in the age range of 15 - 25, and of either gender. My research has made me understand that this range of age will differ as this genre appeals to a large group of individuals with diverse traits and characteristics, but the age I have specified will be where the majority of the readership will come from. This is based from the statistics I have looked at concerning products that target the same audience/will be of similar content to my own texts. I will try to relate and attract this audience by using similar qualities that follow the rock stereo type and what I believe will interest them, such as color schemes, fonts, cover lines and free gifts.
For the masthead i had the initial idea to use a single word that reminds the reader of destruction or the sound of rock music. This is used in rock magazines around today such as 'Kerrang,' which uses onomatopoeia, as it was created to sound like the strum of an electric guitar. This same technique is used throughout multiple texts associated with this genre, such as 'Scuzz,' a rock and heavy metal music channel, again trying to imitate the sounds of amps or quitars. Destruction is also conveyed in music media titles such as 'Metal Hammer,' these words hold connotations of violence and something that is heavy (this is clever, as Metal Hammer is a magazine that conforms to the Heavy Metal Rock sub genre)
The ideas I have thought of for my magazine title are: CLASH, SMASH and ZWANG, these all use this effective technique of phonology for audience attraction whilst further conveying the 'feel' of Rock with violence. Either of the three will allow the reader to recognize the text's genre because of the technique being a common convention used in different texts. I also like these three examples because they are only one word long, this will give the magazine a nice edge.

Font ideas:
Depending on my picture outcomes, I may reverse the fonts to white on black, or change the colours completely. But I'll decide that later on in the project.

Cover line ideas:
Download festival exclusive - This is a well known British festival, that is famous for being a Heavy Metal event. However Rock, Punk and Dance artists also perform there. This will appeal to my audience as it covers all the genres of music that my magazine does.
Free EP of new band Deadrunners! - A free gift will attract readers and also having the free item come from a new band will promote the band and entregue customers. However, I may not use this coverline as I want to use my fictional band 'Deadrunners' for the main cover line and perhaps double page spread. Having the same band featured in two different cover line may seem unrealistic.
30 Seconds To Mars on their new tour - This will also entregue readers as using the word 'new' implies obviously that this isn't past news and will make the subconscious mind feel anxious to read about it.
Enter Shikari new album? - This does the same effect but differs the cover lines so there is variety 
This year's top ten gigs - This cover line shows that there will be gig dates in the magazine and there will be advise on which ones to go too.

   Besides from the photos I take for my cover of my friend, I will use photos that I have taken in the past when i have attended gigs and music festivals. This will allow the magazine pages to look authentic, and I can refer to actual bands that connect with my genre as well as showing visuals of them.
   This issue of the magazine will be early January  so i can mention features about the new year and upcoming gig dates. This can also be an opportunity to reflect on actions of the previous year, with concert ratings, 'best moments', photos and story's.
 The majority of my magazine will be about well known bands, I will advertise gig dates, reviews, albums, singles, tours and social news all to do with artists who produce music that is associated with the Rock genre. I have decided that the artist on the cover will be from a band that I have made up called 'Deadrunners,' they will be a hard rock band. I will take their sub genre into consideration when styling my model, as from my photography research I have learnt that it is a key element in creating front covers to make sure the artists featured communicate the style of music they produce, and then also portraying traits from the magazine's genre of music too. Aside from music, I could include vouchers and advertisements for websites that sell clothing and band merchandise that are in the same genre as my magazine. Furthermore there could some small features or columnists that review new films, or write about up coming social events such as meet and greets and signings. This will be beneficial as my target audience will be interested in other youth related things being in the age range of 15-25.

The price of the magazine will be £1.75, the page maximum will be 50, and it will be released every two weeks. Initially I thought I would produce it monthly, but after further deciding to make my magazine relatively cheap as a marketing advantage, this would mean that producing the magazine wouldn't be too complicated. Therefore, releasing it monthly would be unnecessary and may even cause loss.

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