Saturday 5 January 2013

Research: Rock Origins

                  -Chosen Genre: Rock Music!-

    'Rock and Roll' originated in 1950's America, where rhythm and blues were popular in the music scene. Elvis Presley is a name that people recognize in relation to this era who created music in a new, original dynamic that appealed to young audiences whilst surprising elder ones.
    In 1962, The Beatles became popular in Britain who produced music that is now labelled as classic rock. They were extremely influential, and inspired bands such as The Rolling Stones. These two British bands both incorporated elements of the blues and rhythm era but with added electric reincarnations.

Rock's 'Golden Age'

In the 1960's it was more evident that this genre's verbal content reflected themes of rebellion, sex and social protest. Drug culture also became a big part of the evolving genre too, with 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' released by The Beatles in 1967. This song received masses of attention and controversy, with people arguing that the fantasy descriptive lyrics were a metaphor for being high on LSD, with further reinforcement on this point with the initials of 'Lucy' 'Sky' and 'Diamonds' spelling this type of substance. Despite denial from the band, the song was in fact banned in Britain by the BBC.

This period of time also saw the infamous feud arise between the British 'Mods and Rockers,' and the seaside riots in Brighton. To the left is a brief description of the two social groups, the incident demonstrates how music can influence and be incorperated into social culture and class systems. Source from:

This event was dramatised in the 1979 film Quardophenia

Artists in this genre also became equally as known and memorable for their substance use and ambiguous sexual encounters than for their music. Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison were dead by 1970 due to drug related deaths.

Punk Rock Movement

  Punk rock was born in Britain in the 1970's, and stood up as protest for social and political ideologies. Punk reflected themes of anarchy, rebellion, and rejection of social standard. British bands such as The Sex Pistols and The Clash are associated with this era, and also became popular in America. Moving into the 1980's it had inspired other bands considerably and therefore changed music significantly, as political statements were encouraged to be core in writing music. This sub genre of rock also saw the influence and birth of punk/grunge band Nirvana. Bands in this era celebrated their lack of technical virtuosity, incorporating this into their style.
  This is why the punk rock era is also associated with the DIY movement, which encouraged experimentation with the genre of music. This meant that only mediocre ability was needed to play an instrument and contribute to the genre, and this was celebrated, creating a unique sound that communicated edge, distortion and originality.
This is a section of text from the source

Other sources used for information

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