Friday 22 March 2013

Production: Contents Page Initially and Changes Made

On the right, was my finished first draft of my contents page product. I am at a stage now where I am reflecting over each text and making big improvements. 
The most significant alteration I have made to the contents page is the main focus image. Despite liking the initial image because of the eye contact with the artists and my camera, it occurred to me that the image quality was not good enough for such a big part of the page. Therefore, I replaced the image with the one on the right which is of a much better resolution. It also features the colour red more and so goes with the page's colour scheme nicely. 
To make sure this still fit with my over all product, I made sure to add in a cover line that referred to this image on the front page, to create synergy. (This is along the top banner, which I have added on to the front cover text. I will make a post about these changes soon). I also changed the cover line in this section 'Best moments 2012' to 'Best Events 2012' because I had changed the words on the cover as well for spacing purposes. Because I changed these two type factors, I unfortunately had to change the font used in this part of the page because the ones I had used were no longer available. 
For the new font, I used '' again, and used the font '28 days later.' I thought this font alteration would be a negative change to the page, as the first fonts used are also used across the page which creates a neat and authentic look. However, I believe the new font choice goes well with the rest of the page, I have used san serif font frequently and this font is an example of this as well, therefore it does not standout too much as different, so it wasn't that bad of a change. I have been using san serif font frequently in my texts, this was a feature I picked up in my magazine analyses and think it adds professionalism to the pieces. 

    Another thing that I changed was plug on the top half of the page that indicated the 'cover story,' but I still featured the other ones on the bottom of the page. This was because I felt that there was too many of these on the page, and against the 'redness' in the photo the colours were too overwhelming and they didn't stand out. Furthermore, because I had changed the band featured in the image, and this cover line was also on the front page, that meant I would have had to add another one to that section of the page (next to 'Bowling For Soup'). I felt that I was in a position to get rid of these two plugs, because the two cover lines had a bigger portion of space on the page, and were also given red star shapes behind their page numbers that look like the plugs that I use. Therefore, it can be said that it's unnecessary to label these cover lines as ones that were featured on the cover, as because they have a significant amount of space it's indicated they are of importance, and because they are important cover lines it is likely that they would have been featured on the cover anyway.

Another change that I made was on the actual contents of the page, I added more features to the magazine as I felt there was too much negative space. Some of the content added was 'MCR reunion!' (Spelt incorrectly, this is not the final product!), '30STM film?,''Your local battle of the bands 2013' and some more band titles in the 'gig section.' I also made all the text in this section bolder, as I felt it needed to stand out more. I changed round some of the plugs and made them smaller, and may change them around again as I am not sure that this is the best position choice for them at the minute. I also added a picture on the far right of one of the bands I had listed that will be playing live soon (in the 'gig' section). I made sure that this picture was one of them playing live as it would go well with the context in which the band is mentioned, I liked this picture as it has a lot of blue, which contrasts my picture of 'Felicity State' well, which is purple. Originally I had these pictures slanted, but putting them upright I felt looked more professional and neat. Furthermore, I moved the line shapes dividing the page, and measured properly the length in which to place them so that they were even.

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