Saturday 30 March 2013

Production: Problems With The Double Page Spread

When creating my double page spread last year, prior to the first submission I had used a font from InDesign for the title and pull out quote of the double page spread:

  I really liked this font, as it was another visual element that literally represents connotations from my genre (destruction, again). It was also exclusive to this double page spread/article feature, highlighting it's separateness.

  However, when redeveloping my double page spread and making improvements, I realised this font was no longer available to use. Because I already had my written text, it didn't matter, so I proceeded in changing the background and colour schemes, I started editing the main article, adjusting fonts and sizes. However, whilst I did this editing, I had not realised that my font had been automatically substituted, and I had saved the file before I noticed this occurrence. I experimented with other fonts in InDesign, non of which I liked as they didn't fit in with my house style or motives. To work around this, I used a screen grab image of my double page spread with the correct colour scheme:

Then, I simply correctly adjusted my article and chose my final design outcomes for the main interview, screen grabbed, and then added this to the file image on Photoshop (with the improved page numbers too):

This however, resulted in the fact that my article is quite small and blurred. It's readable, but not of supreme quality. This factor also means that coherence has been lost with my other pieces, as the size of this font no longer corresponds with the size of the same font used on my contents page. This factor has been a frustrating turn in the project and I've found it difficult to compensate for the minor damage done. For instance, with the right hand text quote, I am not satisfied with the positioning and would change this if I still had the opportunity, I would also have experimented with the size of the title. However, I will re examine the contents page in comparison to the double page spread, to see if there is any changes I can make to add further correspondence. I could make the contents text smaller for example, but in capitals. Experimentation with this will be posted soon.

This slip up in my creation process has taught me that working with digital substance and media texts is delicate, and sometimes things can take turns for the unexpected. 

 Here is an update of my contents page, I have edited the size of the font to 2.5 pt and put the content in capitals. This is so the text is smaller but still legible, to correspond with my double page spread font size a little bit more. I also added in a few more contents listings, to make up the negative space created due to having a smaller font. 

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