Saturday 2 March 2013

Production: Chosen Photographs

Cover                                 Double Page Spread                                Contents

These are my chosen images for the cover, contents pages and double page spread which were all taken by myself. I thought the picture for the cover looked very eye catching with the use of eye contact, pose and facial expression. It stood out the most too me so I thought it would be suitable for the cover, to attract readers. Further more this image is an example of the rule of thirds, this is also the case for the double page spread image. I thought this was a relevant image to use because despite the back ground being different, it is still obvious that the character is the same due to the styling, clothes and pose. Lastly I chose this specific picture for the contents page because I thought it would be useful to incorporate a legitimate band into my magazine to enable it looks realistic and also to ensure I would appeal to the correct chosen audience. This is a photo of the band Tenacious D that I took when I saw them live, they are looking directly at the camera and so I thought this photo was suitable to use on my contents page. I will not crop a lot of the picture as I think having it landscape will look good against the rest of my contents page.

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